
大阪府 貝塚市に所在し伝統的な素材と工法で木製の櫛を制作する西出櫛工業との協業プロジェクト。職人である西出氏が得意とする櫛の要である繊細な歯を制作する工程を持ち手まで延長。効率的な工程により施された装飾は同時に滑り止めの役割を兼ねている。
This is a collaborative project with Nishide Comb Industry, located in Kaizuka City, Osaka Prefecture, which produces wooden combs using traditional materials and methods. The process of making delicate teeth, which is the key point of combs, is extended to the handle, which is Nishide’s specialty. The decorations applied by the efficient process also serve as a non-slip function at the same time.
The artist attempted to create multiple elements such as process, decoration, and function at the same time, and to give the details a multifaceted nature.

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