Nakajimaya Crossing
静岡市で創業100年を超える老舗ホテル「中島屋グランドホテル」のロビーに設置されたモニュメント。 静岡で活動する4人の伝統工芸の職人の技術を用いた造形物を長円形の金属フレームに納め、それらを積み上げた。4種類の工芸品は、各フレームに一つずつ配置されているが、異なるフレームが交差した箇所には、二種の工芸技術が融合した造形物が納められている。例えば、日本茶の茶葉で染色された生地が収まったフレームと、竹細工が収められたフレームが交差する部分は、染色生地と竹細工を編み合わせることで立体的なテキスタイル表現を構築している。
Nakajimaya Crossing is a monument created by the Japanese design studio UO, installed in the lobby of a venerable century-old hotel in Shizuoka City. This city, once a flourishing castle town around 400 years ago, became a hub for numerous craftsmen and the development of various artisanal techniques. The monument draws from these traditional crafts that have been handed down through generations. UO designed the monument by incorporating artisanal objects into elongated metal frames, layering and stacking them to create the structure.
At the intersection, frames that blend two different techniques create unique expressions. For example, at the intersection of a frame featuring fabric dyed with tea leaves, known as “ocha-zome,” and another frame with meticulously arranged 2mm bamboo strips used in “take-sensuji” craftsmanship, a three-dimensional textile is made from the intricate weaving of dyed fabric and bamboo. These intersections of different techniques symbolize the hotel’s role as a space where diverse people with varied purposes and expertise converge and interact. By deliberately combining crafts with distinct and strong individual contexts, UO has pushed traditional boundaries, creating innovative technical expressions. Although currently focused on interior decorations centered around the lobby, this principle of “combining techniques” is expected to extend to products like furniture and room keys, becoming a three-dimensional visual identity that enhances the overall guest experience.
The four craftsmen involved in this project typically work independently, completing their creations alone and not combining their techniques with others. However, with the design studio acting as a hub, their skills were creatively merged, transcending traditional frameworks and yielding multiple innovative expressions. The value lies not only in creating the monument but also in the process that allowed the craftsmen to gain useful and groundbreaking techniques.
It consists of a central tower placed in the hotel lobby, four wall-mounted objects behind the front desk, and decorative elements covering the façade above the main entrance. All these components adhere to a unified design principle. Each of the four types of crafts is showcased in individual frames.This monument is set to be a permanent symbol of the hotel, cherished by the local community for years to come.
製作:お茶染め Washizu.、KOZOU HAKO STYLE、挽物所639、有限会社みやび行燈製作所、吉政鉄工
設置場所:中島屋グランドホテル(静岡市葵区紺屋町3-10) ロビー、フロント、玄関ファサード
Nakajimaya Grand Hotel
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