茶の周囲としての急須群 B

UO created two sculptures for the “Kakegawa Tea Ennale 2020+1” in Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture, one of Japan’s leading tea-producing regions. In “Teapot Group B as Surroundings for Tea,” a lid with a spout of a kyusu is placed over a variety of ready-made objects that hold liquid. The viewer can imagine the overlapping meanings of the various ready-made objects, which look like kyusu (teapots), by looking at their hybrid appearance. The various meanings discovered by the viewer’s individual interpretation could be the seed for a new way of Japanese tea ceremony in this city.

What we have designed is the rule of “kyusu lid” itself, and we have not defined the meaning of the individual objects that result from this rule. We designed the rule not on the value or meaning of the object itself, but on how we can define the rule to maximize its effect when its purpose is “to be a catalyst for an idea for someone unknown”.

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